上村白冰 / hakuhyo UEMURA
コロナ禍を機に、いちから書を学びなおそうと思い立ち、かねてより私淑していた書家 小書齋氏に師事。
普段は、書と共に自店である「Bar MALOWD」にて、お酒に合う音楽と、音楽に合うお酒を日々探求中。
Influenced by his grandmother, who was a shodo (Japanese calligraphy) master, he grew up in an environment closely connected to ink and calligraphy from an early age.
During high school, he discovered a deeper joy in writing, and continued to practice shodo independently thereafter.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to relearn shodo from scratch and began studying under Master Shosai, whom he had long admired.
In 2021, he created the logo for "Ryu no Hige," a new product from "Zuihoken," a long-established shop in Kameyama, Ise Province, dating back to the late Edo period.
Currently, while practicing shodo, he runs "Bar MALOWD," where he explores the daily pursuit of pairing music with drinks and drinks with music.